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8/26/2003 9:19 PM
I love Orion Keys. I like the colors. They are soothing and tranquil.
I really would love to learn how to do this stuff.
Greg Gary
11/13/2003 5:30 AM
I've never done anything like this but would enjoy trying. Can you please help me? Please feel free to give me a call at (239)403-0349. I will get your # and return your call at my expense because I love your work so much. I will help you sell this with no problem.
11/24/2003 2:08 PM
thanks for prodacts.
1/10/2004 6:01 PM
love it!!! very
5/10/2005 10:34 AM
I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11/7/2005 6:31 AM
GREAT!!! I like guns, and had them for my wallpaper for a while and they some how fueled me with stress, I needed somthing that soothed the soul - and this is it!!!
12/13/2005 7:39 AM
It's the kind of image that you feel you can step into. I can hear the waves and for some reason smell cinnamon after I've been looking at it for a while. A very useful image for mediatation, as well. Thank you for gifting us with it.
4/18/2006 10:00 AM
very nice site and guestbooks but please give more regular updating
1/10/2007 8:13 AM
Orion Keys is the best one to date, very nice.
If you could make a few more images of that planet that would be great.
2/10/2007 3:19 AM
This kicks total @ss!!!
6/17/2007 6:39 PM
A very cool picture! I'm hoping to see more in this series. Keep up the good work.